(May 25th, 2011)
Seven Elements of Healing
Seven Skills for Everyday Life
The following is drawn from the transformation practice of
Robert Gonzales, one of the most experienced NVC trainers,
who is focusing on the inner transformational and the spirtitual work.
Since 2008 I have been coaching people successfully with resolving inner conflicts with Robert Gonzales' transforming processes. In this time I've gained more and more clarity about what seems to be important for resolving these inner conflict and I have developed the "Seven Elements of Self-Healing"... [read more]
(September 11, 2011)
Judgmental Thinking, the Cause of Suffering
and thus violence - and the Alternative as
a Way towards Joy in Living
Version 6
Overview of the content
In this article, I'll explore the relationship between "judgmental thinking", and the suffering it creates for people caught up in it. And since this judgemental thinking is part of a wolrd-view
that still is the predominant world-view in our societies, almost everybody is caught in it most of the time.
I will show why this world-view, that I call "judgmental thought system" inevitably leads to varied suffering ranging from feeling slightly uncomfortable up to great suffering. And how it is
based upon the (mostly unconscious) belief in "guilt" and "sin"... [read